Environment variables

Variable Type Required Default Description
NODE_ENV string optional production Possible values are development or production
PORT number optional 3000  
TURBO_TOKEN string optional   Secret token used for the authentication. Required if AUTH_MODE is undefined or static. You can specify multiple tokens separated by comma (e.g. TURBO_TOKEN=token1,token2,token3). The value must be the same one provided for the token parameter of the build script. See enable custom remote caching in a Turborepo monorepo
AUTH_MODE string optional static Which authentication mode to use, possible values are static or jwt
JWKS_URL string optional   JWKS metadata url for retrieving public keys for verifying JWTs
JWT_ISSUER string optional   JWT Issuer, optional even if using JWT authentication, to match iss field in JWT.
JWT_AUDIENCE string optional   JWT Audience, optional even if using JWT authentication, to match aud field in JWT.
JWT_READ_SCOPES string optional   If specified, one of the scopes listed here must be present in order to read from the cache. You can specify multiple options with a comma-delimited string of scopes.
JWT_WRITE_SCOPES string optional   If specified, one of the scopes listed here must be present in order to write to the cache. You can specify multiple options with a comma-delimited string of scopes.
LOG_LEVEL string optional 'info' Possibile values are one of these
ENABLE_STATUS_LOG boolean optional 'true' Enable/Disable logging for the status endpoint
LOG_MODE string optional stdout Setting it to ‘file’ enables writing logs to file
LOG_FILE string optional server.log Path and file name where save .log file (e.g. /path/to/my/file.log)
STORAGE_PROVIDER string optional local Possible values are local, s3, google-cloud-storage or azure-blob-storage. Use this var to choose the storage provider.
STORAGE_PATH string optional   Caching folder under /tmp if STORAGE_PROVIDER is set to local. If STORAGE_PROVIDER is set to s3, google-cloud-storage or azure-blob-storage, this will be the name of the bucket.
STORAGE_PATH_USE_TMP_FOLDER boolean optional true Uses the system tmp folder as a prefix to STORAGE_PATH
BODY_LIMIT number optional 104857600 The limit for artifact upload size