Enable custom remote caching in your Turborepo project

To enable a custom remote caching server in your Turborepo repository, you must either add a config file by hand or set local environment variables.

Config file

To enable remote caching, you must configure it by hand. In fact, the turbo login and turbo link commands work only with Vercel’s remote cache.

First, you need to create the config file:

  1. Create the .turbo folder at the root of your repository
  2. Create the config.json file inside it, and add this property:
    • apiurl: the address of your turborepo-remote-cache server.

For example:


  "apiurl": "http://cache.ducktors.dev"

Now, you need to configure two additional environment variables, TURBO_TEAM and TURBO_TOKEN, within your development machine or CI pipeline. There are three ways to do it:

  1. Set/export TURBO_TEAM=ducktors and TURBO_TOKEN=myGeneratedToken as environment variables.
  2. Add teamslug and/or token to the .turbo/config.json file. Note: Including the token here is a less secure way to do it if you plan to share or commit the config file. Prefer the TURBO_TOKEN environment variable whenever possible. For example:


       "apiurl": "http://cache.ducktors.dev",
       "teamslug": "ducktors",
       "token": "myGeneratedToken"
    • Setting the TURBO_API, TURBO_TEAM, and/or TURBO_TOKEN environment variables will override the apiurl, teamslug, token properties of this file, respectively.
  3. Modify your project package.json scripts by adding the --team=yourTeam and --token=yourToken parameters. Note: This is a less secure way to do it because the token is committed inside the repository. Prefer the other two whenever possible.

For example:


  "build": "turbo run build --team=\"ducktors\" --token=\"myGeneratedToken\"",
  "dev": "turbo run dev --parallel",
  "lint": "turbo run lint",
  "format": "prettier --write \"**/*.{ts,tsx,md}\""

Note: The token value must be the same as for your server’s TURBO_TOKEN env var. See the environment variables section for more info.

Enable remote caching in Docker

To enable remote caching in Docker, you must pass TURBO_TEAM inside Dockerfile as build arg and TURBO_TOKEN as build secret if you have not included them within .turbo/config.json or added them as parameters within package.json (see Config file above).

For example:



COPY turbo.json ./
COPY .turbo/config.json ./.turbo/

RUN --mount=type=bind,source=.git,target=.git \
    --mount=type=secret,id=TURBO_TOKEN \
    TURBO_TOKEN=$(cat /run/secrets/TURBO_TOKEN) pnpm turbo build

and build your image leveraging Remote Cache Server with this command:

# TURBO_TOKEN is an env variable preferably set from CI secrets
docker buildx build --progress=plain \
    --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
    -f Dockerfile . \
    --build-arg TURBO_TEAM="ducktors" \
    --secret id=TURBO_TOKEN,env=TURBO_TOKEN \

Local environment variables

You can also configure your development machine by setting the following environment variables instead of using the config file:

Variable Type Description
TURBO_API string The address of a running turborepo-remote-cache server
TURBO_TEAM string The team (see Config file above)
TURBO_TOKEN string Your secret key. This must be the same as the TURBO_TOKEN variable set on your turborepo-remote-cache server instance

Note: these environment variables are used by the Turborepo CLI on the development machine or CI pipelines. They are not used by the turborepo-remote-cache server.